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Psychology and Counseling Research Guide

This selective guide is designed to help locate information in the field of psychology.

Tests and Measurements

In addition to helping you locate appropriate tests and measurements, this bibliography will also help in locating research and reviews. If you encounter any problems or cannot locate a specific test, the Library Service Desk can assist you in locating information.


American Psychological Association (2014). Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing.

LB 3051.A693 2014

APA. The Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing

APA.  FAQ/Finding Information about Psychological Tests

Mental Measurements Yearbooks

Buros, Oscar Krisen, ed. Mental Measurements Yearbook

LB 3061 .B932

Initially published in 1938, the  MMY is designed to assist users in locating, evaluating and using standardized tests.  Each yearbook supplements rather than supersedes earlier editions.  Each entry contains a description, ordering information, one or more critical reviews, and a bibliography of additional reviews.  In addition there is an author index to test reviews, bibliographies and classified subject index.  The 9th –11th yearbook are available online, see Electronic Resources.

Murphy, L. L., J. C. Conoley, and Impara, James, eds. Test in Print IV;  an Index to Tests,  Test Reviews, and the Literature on Specific Tests

LB 3051  .T47

A comprehensive  bibliography of commercially available tests in Print as of 1993.  Entries include bibliographic and descriptive information. It serves as an index to all Mental Measurement Yearbooks published to date.

Mitchell, James V., ed. Test in Print III;  An Index to Tests, Test Reviews, and the Literature on Specific Tests

LB 3051 .T488

Complements and indexes all Mental  Measurements Yearbooks published through 1983.

Buros, Oscar K., ed. Tests in Print II; an Index to Tests, Test Reviews and the Literature On Specific Tests

LB 3051. T487

Complements and indexes all Mental Measurements Yearbooks published through 1974.   

Buros, Oscar K., ed. Test in Print

LB 3051. T486

Complements and indexes all Mental Measurements Yearbooks published to 1961. 

Online Test Reviews


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